Why does blender 2.28 on my work pc show a new plane/cube mesh in a suble pink transparency while my home pc doesn’t? Is there an option to turn this feature on or off?
How does one render a mesh as an image (as in hollow, unfilled lines) rather than the usual filled/textured etc image?
Hi Dj -I know the answer to your first question -If you delete the mesh and then press ctrl-u this will save your user preferences so that when you create a new file it will stay that way. You can delete the user preference file so that Blender will re-load with the original default settings. The file is named .b.blend.
- Set Wire on in material buttons. (To find in the column of the pale purple buttons, where the Ztrans button etc. are))
Nope, you didn’t know, actually
In the Edit-buttons (F9), at the rightmost part there are buttons labeled Draw Normals, Draw Faces, Draw Edges… you most likely have the Draw Faces enabled, so that’s why it appears pink. If you try and select faces, you see what does that button do, and IMO it is helluva useful feature in addition to the Draw Edges
(ah, and there goes my precious “Satan” status… :()
Cool, thanks for correcting me Jolly Gnome. I misunderstood the question
Thanks Tordat and Jolly Gnome. That exactly answers my questions exactly!