2 Hours Challenge: 100% Blender | Low Poly Viking Scene | Live on Twitch ✨

2 Hours Challenge: 100% Blender | Low Poly Viking Scene | Live on Twitch :video_game::sparkles:

Hi everyone! :wave:

I recently challenged myself to create a full Low Poly scene in just 2 hours, live on Twitch. The goal was to use only Blender, including for compositing, and to build everything without any references. The scene represents a Viking standing by the sea, complete with animation and cinematic vibes.

Here’s a quick breakdown of my process:

:stopwatch: 45 minutes:

• Created the water simulation and particles.

• Tried to replicate some caustics.

• Added gobo lights to simulate realistic lighting effects.

:stopwatch: 20 minutes:

• Placed pre-prepared assets and modeled additional ones to complete the scene.

:stopwatch: 5 minutes:

• Added a quick animation (using Mixamo for efficiency – it was a last-minute addition!).

• I know it’s far from perfect, but it adds some life to the scene. :sweat_smile:

:stopwatch: 20 minutes:

• Simulated flags, birds, and additional particles.

• Finalized lighting and polished asset positioning.

:stopwatch: 30 minutes:

• Did the cinematic-style compositing directly in Blender.

• Added sound effects for more immersion. :notes:

:construction: I know there are many imperfections, especially with the animation (time was tight!), but I’m happy with the overall result for a 2-hour challenge.

:sparkles: I’d love to hear your feedback! What do you think of the concept, workflow, or final look?

Thanks for taking the time to checkj it out, and feel free to share your thoughts! :pray:


looks really good! If this is low poly i want to see high poly version haha

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Thank you! I’m glad you like it! The focus here was to keep it low poly while maintaining a lot of detail—glad it worked!:sweat_smile:

When I saw low poly in the title, I was like: this person must have made a mistake, cos thats not low poly. Great work!

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Thank you so much! Actually, it was super quick to render because most of the assets were decimated—except for the water, of course. So the scene wasn’t heavy at all!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

thanks you very much :pray:t2:

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