Ok i need somone who can make a sand texture for me and mabee if my sponser says its ok i might need somone to help me out with lighting.
Wrong forum
Look up a sand texture on Google image search.
Edit: You have a sponsor? What exactly for?
My game Microsoft has been helping me out. Ever sence my dad. (he when to college with Bill.) told him bill has had 2 people from bungie help me out and one scripter. But yea he says he might beable to sell it. Im exsited. A 12 year olds dream complete.
: D
I find that hard to believe, considering your grammar/spelling…
what you meen. I no im not a pro. I know that there are millions of people who are better than me, i just got luck of the draw.
no, you’ll be lucky if someone believes you…
Get in the GIMP, make a hue sat. noise, then desaturate then colorize.
Im just finishing my first map im Exsited : D But i need to figure out how to make a zombie spawn script to where you can hit a button to create a zombie. Any one have any ideas?
I really don’t think you need a script for that…
I remember when I was starting out with blender…
…it took me ages to find the “generate zombie” button…
why wouldn’t ms be helping you with ms programs? xna for example?
Did they give you stickers? Otherwise it’s just not legit.
Search a tutorial on 3-point lighting. It’s like sunshine in a can.
And none of your helpers from Microsoft know how to google for a sand image? Or make a simple zombie spawning script?
Why not just go outside (or even to a beach) and take some of your own pictures? That way you dont have to worry about copyright etc.
I really don’t believe you, I reckon you are older than you say and are trying to create bad grammar but doing it in the wrong way.
Use an “add object” actuator to add more zombies. You will probably need a python script to re-attach all the parts together and re-do the physics settings. Look up the GameLogic API. There is a link to it if you click on “resources” in my sig.
Guys, I’ll admit that it feels like there is something fishy going on here, and it seems certain that tyler didn’t do a google search before posting, but there’s no reason to try to rip into him because of the way he is behaving. Just ignore it.
Oh yea i really look like a thirty year old virgin.
I think i look alot like a 32 year old
Upload a picture of those sponsors, and nobody will bother you (sorry, “u”) again. I see you have a camera, though, so finding a picture of sand can’t be hard at all.
P.S. I would not advise a twelve-year-old to upload pictures of himself on a public internet forum. Some real 32-year-old might also find himself with “the luck of the draw.” So to speak…
this thread is Hoax