2 Q's: Object Matrix and 3d math resources

First question:
What is the object matrix? How do you use it?
This may sound basic, but the manual and python docs don’t specify. I have seen it used as a sort of scaler to translate local to global coordinates. I’m assuming that it’s a powerful bit of information. I just don’t know how to tap into it.

Second question (maybe I should have asked this one first):
Know of any good 3D Math resources with specific aplication to programming. I’m having trouble coming up with any that are dumbed down enough I can understand them.
I’ve looked and found several basic articles, but some of their formulas seemed to assume you knew what was going on.
ZED3D, yep I’ve seen this one, too. It is a great resource for the actual math methods and procedures, but doesn’t give me the clear, concise algorythms for things I want to do. I can scale a mesh all day, and never come up with a face intersection algorythm. He also never shows his procedures implemented in code.


In this context, a matrix represent the transformations apply to an object. Basicly, by applying the matrix to the local coordinates of the vertice, you get their global coordinates (that’s an oversimplification, but it’s accurate).

some links there might help you: https://blenderartists.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=14266

The SIGGRAPH papers library (sorry, no URL) is a good source of applied algorithms, but it usually asume that you know at least the basis of calculus and matricial algebra.
