Well, only five, but they’re from the movie 2001… %|
These are spaceships I made for my much-delayed pet project. Each took between 1 and 5 days to make, not counting breaks for revision… They’re designed to be seen in brief (10-15 seconds max) animations rather than stills. Although I consider them finished I will make any necessary changes before animating them, so crits are welcome.
The Aries IB :
No clue why the lower edge of the moon appears illuminated…
I like very much the first two pictures. Can’t say much more about the other three, since their environment is not as worked as the first ones.
If you can’t do anything with the rendering of that white contour in the moon, there’s nothing better than postprocessing it to achieve desired results, although I don’t know anything about that for an animation.
I would also lower the radius of the sun’s light (don’t know the exact technical term) in the second picture to make the space’s environment darker.
NQE1 : All the textures, apart from the Moon and Earth, are procedural, so it’s just a matter of tweaking.
skeletor : Wow, someone remembered I HAD a 2001 project !
I got hung up with the chimp scene and got very bored… so I made that suicidal adventure land (still unfinished), then a warship contest came along… then exams… but now I have a 4 month holiday to make up for lost time!
chocobanana : The fourth picture does have Earth in it, that took WAAAY more tweaking than anything else in any of the pictures. Probably needs some composition work though.
A darker space environment would be more realistic, but wouldn’t show up the details quite so well.
olivS : It’s not as OSA problem, I checked… really haven’t any idea about that, but no need to worry until I come to animate it.
Thanks for all the input !
I should also have mentioned that the Earth in the second picture is Terragen, if you couldn’t tell. Could probably be done in Blender… but not by me !
Also I used a CVS build (by gabio, I think), with the new OSA. Makes cellular noise render much better.
If you mean the second picture displayed, it’s just Terragen…
If you mean the second picture in the list, by carefully reading just about everything you, Env, and postman have written on the subject of planetary renders and then tweaking it ! (and then tweaking it some more and then some more…)