2009 Blender F1 Challenge!! Voting has ended!

I’m working on one. Not really aiming to win, but just something to do with Blender before Summer starts.

Hi everyone,
I finally decided to put forth a little more effort and offers Prizes for the 2009 Challenge. I always believe in supporting the Blender e-Shop and this year is no exception. Enjoy!!!
Details on the Rules page.



Just a reminder to all working on F1 Challenge entries that the deadline is approaching – June 20!
The competition is getting fierce. Check this out –




The Challenge is up to 22 entries so far! Thanks to those Challengers for taking the time to enter. There are many F1 entries still in progress so we all have more to look forward to.
1 week to go!


Hi all,
The Challenge only has a few days left and we have 33 entries so far. I expect a last minute rush of entries (as always…) as Saturday approaches.

The competition is really heating up. Case in point:

Just in case you are wondering what the hell I am talking about, go here:
2009 Blender F1 Challenge

Ciao for now!


The Blender F1 Challenge is up to 64 entries with one day left!
There have been some amazing entries…

… and let’s not forget the defending Champion Zordan …

Thanks to all of the Challengers so far!


Looking good so far! I wonder who will win this year

It was a real pleasure to work on that. Not necessarily to win but just to have fun and exchange infos and feedback with others blender fans.

Because i was very busy with my professionnal projects i only spent 25 hours on my vehicle. So, I didn’t have enough time to work on any more and add more details. Hope you like it … :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks you Curtis for this wonderfull challenge ! Be sure i’ll post a more detailed entry next year :yes:

Here is mine :



Hello all,
It is 20 minutes before the close of entires and I am overwhelmed (literally) by this years response! It will take me some time to get all of the last day entries prepared and posted on the Blender F1 Challenge site. I will hopefully have them all uploaded tomorrow morning. I appreciate your patience and again… THANKS to all of the Challengers and the Blender community!!
Ciao for now!


I’m really happy to see that the challenge is a big success. Good luck for the rest of the work and thanks again for your efforts !

Hi all,
The final count of last day entries is 34! I am still working to prepare and post them this morning (remember, I am Pacific coast USA time which is -9 hours from central Europe). I should have it complete in a few hours. This will put the final count at 98! WOW!


Hello everyone,
I did finally manage to get all of the final entries posted.
The final entry count is 101! I would have never thought we would have over 100 F1 Challenge entrants competing. I am amazed and the work from all of the Challengers is amazing too!
I plan on having the Vote Form ready by tomorrow after I do some final testing. I will post here and on BlenderNation when the voting begins.
Here is a link if you want to take a look at the 101 great Blender F1 Challengers-- 2009 Blender F1 Challenge

Ciao for now!


Thank you for the news.

There are really impressive artwork.Congratulations to all the challengers !!!


We are going to need more than one round of voting. It’ll take ages to view 101 entries and decide on a favorite few all in one chunk if voting is anything like last year.

Great to see so many entries, i do feel however that there are less entries with the “wow” factor than last year, not that i can talk, 2 years in a row i have failed to finish.

I have to agree with you ANIMAL. I am open for suggestions on how we could simply the voting. Split the field in half? Start by voting 5 or 10 entries??? Any input would be appreciated.


Start by voting for 10 entries is for me a good choice … as you want. :wink:

Here is a proposal on the voting:
Have the voters give each entry a score, like between 1 and 10, and then have them ether post, or PM their scores in the this format.

Voter Name

and so on…

I made an excel sheet, (I’m sure open office could do just as well) that would require no more then a single copy & past of this score card to tally all of the persons votes, and log their name with it.

The only real question/concern I have for this type of vote is that people will see it as to much trouble to give a number to each entry. I personally don’t think that is very difficult for only 100 entries, but I might be in a minority with that opinion. This type of vote would be good in that it would give a much high number to each entry and thus reduce the number of ties dramatically from past years. the other benefit is that it doesn’t require a “favorite” entry, so it will be easier for the voters to score.

After this vote you could do another round of say the top 10 or so to decide the final victor, or you could just leave it at this. :wink:

Also Curtis, if you need help with vote tallying I am at your disposal, I have a good deal of free time in the next couple of days. and if it’s a problem we can disqualify my entry from winning anything, not that it would. :slight_smile:

~ATSkill AKA T.P. Rodgers

The first thing I’ve done, was to download all entries with a script, because it is much easier to sort out the pictures you like or don’t like, when you have everything on your harddisk. Though it had the disadvantage to have no description to the picture. But my advice would be to also offer a zip with all pictures if nobody of the artists disagrees…
I would use more than one voting-round, too. For the second round I would use the top 10 of the first round, because there are so many nice vehicles. But if somebody gets more than 50% of the votes in round 1 then he or she should be declared winner without another round, of course.

This was a great competition, cu, drop

Thanks for the input, guys.
T.P., I like the idea of setting up a ratings system but that would take some to set up. I will consider that for next year.
Any voting system I set up has the potential for abuse and that is why I usually have the votes be equal versus rating the entries 1,2,3,etc… or having a points system.
I may just go with 5 equal votes and see how it sorts out. We do end up with quite a few mid-field ties but the top 5 or 6 are usually pretty well sorted out.
Any other input?


I say we just claim Kyle Dell’Aquila the winner, and get on to next years!
(ok, maybe not…)