Currently working on my first real project that I’m making myself finish. I usually get bored and quit and move on to something different.
I’ve just completed the base spline cage. I will refine it some more until I feel its good. Then start adding polys. If you see anything that needs work, or can be done better please speak up. This is my first full car model so I’m looking for input as far as best techniques and tips and tricks any of you may have come across.
A few people recommend modeling the body as a whole and then cutting stuff out it, on certain cars that doesn’t always work I’m afraid. There’s not much I can comment on if you haven’t started laying the polys down yet though.
Interesting, the curves are looking good. How do you plan to go about modelling from the curves? I understand using curves in something like Rhino or Alias but I havent seen this appoach in Blender before.
I understand you get bored and move on, so do I a lot of times, but stick with it will be good to see the progress.