2011 Project

I have begun work on a large Blender project for the 2011 year and hopefully will have it finished by August. The project theme is set in the 1950s and is going to be a video. I have just begun work on the base mesh for the robot and was hoping to start this thread to receive a little help.

The finished product will be a video the slowly makes its way through a 1950s style house, then comes to the robot whom is focused on something out the window. The camera follows his gaze out to a futuristic city and beyond.

Here is what I have done so far and have come to a point where I’m not sure how to proceed. I want to create what look like speakers for the ears but am not sure how to go about doing that. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


1950s robot.blend (436 KB)

Is it just me, or are more and more people making short films about the future? You have just seemed to piece out bits of the first scene for my short film(see signature). Maybe it’s more popular than I realised ;). no worry.

So far the robot looks alright. I don’t have time to check the blend file, i’ll have a look at it when I can.

Good Luck for your project!

@Kain Aldar

hi there, an interesting project you have there maybe i can help you out.

this is an Antenna what i quickly modelled, maybe you like it and feel free to use it^^


Antenna.blend (419 KB)

I see. That changes the model that I had planned for the robot, but I am almost sure that it will work better with just the antenna than the two large bulky speakers. You don’t mind if I use it? Lemme throw it on there and give it a shot.

What are the properties for see through, but realistic rendered glass? For the lens of the eye.

to create a good glass effect, you can use a texture for it and combine it with transparency, maybe tweak a little bit with the settings.
especially for lenses you can setup a spheriacal blend texture for better results

like this one i made. i´m sure there a other and maybe better ways to do it, but that is how i do it at the moment
good luck with your project, if you have still trouble with some other things don´t hesitate to ask ^^


lens.blend (494 KB)

I see. I like the look of the lens but the textures are giving off a cell shaded feel to the graphics of it. Im wanting to get a realistic type of finish with the glass. I want it to be smeared and dirty but still cool. The robot is going to be like a butler in the house.

Ok now I have begun work on the torso and could use some suggestions on the model for it. But the main problem I am having is how to effectively insert a hatch or door on the front of the robot model and make it look decent. I am posting a pic and the .blend file in case you want to mess around. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1950s robot.blend (477 KB)

well i worked a little on the model, but the result wasn´t very good so i created a different robot and it came out pretty well. i applied rust and some scratches to the model and i hope it looks more realistic now.
additionally i made a short animation how the “door” opens.


robot.blend (948 KB)

I see. I like your robot model but I’m going to stick with mine because he just works better with the animation considering he is going to look like a butler and would need to actually have arms and opposable thumbs. Anyways thanks though it looks great lol. Gave me some ideas on how to make the door on my robot.

AHHH! the 1950’s.anyone doing music for it? if not i could: http://soundcloud.com/tws-soundlab/

Baha no I haven’t lined anyone up to do the music yet. You have some good pieces on your website. If you’re interested I would be happy to work with you. Do you have any samples of 1950s music by you?

not neccesarily. but i do know how the style sounds (being my family likes the old 1950’s style a lot). i could try coming up with one.

Awesome. I kind of want it to be upbeat, and happy. Just throw me the sample when you get it completed.

allright then.

Does anyone have any good designs for a butler 1950s robot? Or maybe can expand on what I have so far.
