2024 REALLUSION 3D Character Contest - PUTTA 3

2024 REALLUSION 3D Character Contest - PUTTA 3 WIP (Work In Progress) via blenderartists with a cc3+ male semblance of Character Creator 4 modified with the provided sliders, hair, mustache, beard colors changed, clothing semblance made with ZBrush, colored with 3D Coat, animated with iClone 8 and rendered.

He had been younger. He was trim, slim, physical and active. He was broke, no money, no home. He wandered, desperate with needs amongst a money society. Govt agencies of city, county, state and federal had evil diverse types playing evil games, wasting his life and killing him with neglect cruelties. Evil people made false accusations against him, resulting with him jailed of an evil police court systems. He was forced raped with injections and un-necessary medications. Five mysterious pills every night, until he bloated and lost all his strength. He could not lift his arms, and he could not shit. He became fat in that jail system, while black hair evil people played their evil games. They continued making his life miserable 80 years, and then it happened: REVENGE