227,had to make a new wallpaper

hey, 227 is out;) i just had to make a newwallpaper and using the alpha channels, http://www.laptopia.org/wallpaper1.jpg

three things (other than this statement)

COOL! (but I like my current desktop(s) more, they fit my theme better)

that thing is large, and not the same proportions as my screen (1280*1024)

did you do the blender logo with markers?

thanks :slight_smile:
the logo was drawn freehand with my brand new wacom graphire tablet :smiley:

im hoping it’ll work with blender…

a tablet is just a different version of a mouse. there is no reason why it shouldnt work with blender. by the way, youre a lucky bastard… i only have a crappy no-name ACECAD AcecatIII tablet… :frowning:


a tablet is just a different version of a mouse. there is no reason why it shouldnt work with blender
yeah i know, i guess what i meant was,how it incorporates into the blender workflow :slight_smile: ,but i guess its only a matter of getting used to.

i only have a crappy no-name ACECAD AcecatIII tablet…

ah,how big is the surface? i used to have a Trust 400 tablet,size A4, but Trust sucks… The wacom is only A5,but i really feel its alot better,so the size dosnt bother me :slight_smile:

Using the alpha channels, How?

wow, and english is my native language :-?

wow, and english is my native language

eh— ?

Using the alpha channels, How?

In the render menu;choose Targa as image type, and below there should be three buttons, bw,rgb (default) and rgba; click the last one to get blender to render with alpha channel, wich means basicly that it makes a “cut out” of the scene or object u’ve made…

you rendered the 3d element with an alpha and composited it with the drawn logo?

now i understand!

Just FYI: if you select “Premul” in the render buttons window and make sure you have no world (or an all-black or all-white world, no gradient) you’ll get a mask/alpha channel that does away with the “halo” effect on your rendering.

Nice work!
