25 Blender Particle Simulations (4K Video)

Hello, everyone! After three months of working on this project, it’s finally complete. This video shows 25 different particle simulations which were made exclusively with Blender. It is important to note, that I did not make any simulations involving hair particles, since they tend to behave differently. I also didn’t make any simulations involving fluid particles due to their instability.

For a short explanation of how each simulation was made and the number of the simulation, turn on captions. Pause the video if the captions are too quick.

Here are a few details:
-Frame rate: 60 fps (In some of the simulations, the frame rate was 30 fps due to their small length)
-Software used for the simulation: Blender (exclusively)
-Software used for compositing: Blender and After Effects
-External plugins used: CubeSurfer addon by Jean Francois (PyroEvil)
-Render engine: Cycles (exclusively)
-Longest render time: 5 days
-Largest sample count: 2000 samples

Computer specs:
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-3770 @ 3,40 GHz
GPU: GeForce GTX 650 Ti
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Here is a preview of one of the simulations:

Here is the final product:

Thank you!

By the way, I have a WIP thread of this project: https://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?412217


I don’t know so much about particle simulation but your work is very interesting and the result is beautiful.

Hey, looks really beautiful.

If the fireworks look half as good as this on new year I would be happy.

Your preview image is horrible. Made me not watch. But hey. I’ll give it a chance. Wow. Awesome simulations. Really nice. Change the preview image so more people can see this.

Thank you, everyone for your replies! And thank you, bigbad for the criticism. I didn’t like that image either. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is truly brilliant - thanks for allowing us to see it!

I absolutely love #20! So beautiful!! Great work, and I’m sure patience! May I ask… how much memory was dedicated when rendering out those 4+ million particles?

Thank you! It was about 3 gigabytes, but if we include the size of all of the simulations, it would be over 15 gigabytes.

If you could output those as h.265 video to support HDR displays, I am sure they would look absolutely stunning (even more so).