250$ Good 2D tracking and stabilizing software.

It’s called Patchmaker, it claims to be very very good, if you can’t afford A.E. and you need a good 2 tracker and stabilizing tool, this may be for you.


But what i think is even a better program is Claxa, from the same guy, its a automaticall rotoscoping, software.


Have to agree with you that these are great pieces of software. Claxa, in particular is amazing. I’ve been messing with that for a few weeks now and I’m very impressed.

I don’t understand the “$250” part of your thread title though. Last time I checked, (30 seconds ago) both these programs could be downloaded freely.

patchmaker is free to download a demo veriosn, the original one is 250$

Hey man i would love, please please please, do a video tutorial on how to use claxa, i cant get good results.


As far as I know, the full version now free as well. From the Patchmaker website:

18 October 2008

  •        We freed PatchMaker. You  can use it for no charge now!

Let me see about doing a tutorial. Sounds interesting.

Yes man , it would be great ! You dont need to do a fancy tutorial, just one where you explain the process and tricks you know , thanks !