I’m a Spanish Computer Engineering student developing an open source 3D Tower Defense game called Sion Tower.
In Sion Tower you control a young sorcerer who must protect the Sacred Tower from a monster invasion while his elders are in the forest practicing a mystic ritual. Each floor is a level in which the main purpose is to keep enemies away from a relic.
I need 2D and 3D artists to create textures, a logo, icons, GUI, 3D models, animation, etc. You can check out the Game Design Document although it’s in Spanish (sorry). The code is GPLv3 and I would like media to be Creative Commons. At the end of that document you will find a complete list of the needed resources.
I want the game to have look cartoon-style, something like The Legend of Zelda. Simplistic models and colorful textures would be great!
If you’re interested, you can show me a piece of work and I’m sure we’ll get to an understanding. Don’t worry about the language, I don’t mind talking or writing in English.
Thank you very much!
PD: It seems the forum doesn’t allow me to post links so I can’t show you the GDD. If you’re interested I could send it to you through e-mail.
Well that would be difficult unless I can post URLs to my work, sorry about that. In the meantime I could post some models I need:
Main character: a young sorcerer, brave and enthusiastic. It’s a newbie in magic society so he wears simple clothes and his magic rod.
Goblin: little evil green creature, you can pretty much get the rest. It uses a filthy sword.
Devil: short red classic devil which uses his claws to attack.
Golem: ice big criature build with frozen blocks. It’s based on ice and brute force.
Spider: dark forest big spider.
The game must look simple and attractive, just like The Legend of Zelda (it’s the best example I could look up to). Every character must have these animations: run, attack, receive damage, die and celebrate.
Of course I would need their textures.
The game will also require levels and I’m pretty sure they will be based on tiles (floor, wall, door…). Objects like relics, nests, tables, torches… would be really great!
For the main menu I thought of a view from outside the tower at night. What do you think?
Sorry Alekzsander, it’s an non-payed colaboration. It’s an open source non-comercial project so I have nothing to give speaking of money. Of course, if anyone helps will appear in the credits sections, in my blog and wherever the game goes. I think, developing a game in a cooperative fashion could be good for every part involved. Some piece of art in a game could be very attractive in your CV.