2d-3d with SVG import-Skill Level 0

Total Beginner here and I think my issue is that I don’t have knowledge to know what I am doing wrong, if anything

What I am attempting to do is import an .svg file created in CorelDraw X7 or Inkscape for that matter, and then get it to rotate extrude to a 3-d model. From there I want to make a flat pattern to use that flat pattern to cut out a piece of leather. I hope this is making sense.

What happens is when I import the .svg, I cant seem to get it to rotate. It’s like it needs some sort of conversion into a different type of shape, but I cannot figure it out even with all the tutorials out there. Anyone want to help a poor under-educated noob become a bit more educated?

I am not sure what exactly your problem is, but svg.-files are imported as curves. If you want to be able to change them in edit mode in a way that moves vertices into the z-direction, you will have to set them to 3D:

I will try that Thank you. It’s a steep learning curve