Hi guys, I am working hard here in a lot of projects, so this last year ( 2015 ) I did a lot with Blender and I would like to share it. Not only the news, but the source files.
So, these were some of the good jobs made with Blender
Used Blender to TV Program opening and credits( 2D animation ) + Track motion to blur brands. The program calls “Minha Rua”, and it is shown in CANAL FUTURA.
Here is the TV page: http://www.futura.org.br/programas/minha-rua/guia-de-episodios-minha-rua/
The Making of: http://rme.ricolandia.com/2015/11/01/minha-rua/
Blender used to create Game Sprites called “Key to Nowhere”. The game is on Google Play:
The source files are at GITHUB: https://github.com/rizomatico/keytonowhere
The Making of: http://rme.ricolandia.com/2015/03/05/game-ktn/
Campaign against traffic, 2D animation. The official Page: http://daproibicaonasceotrafico.com.br/
Youtube animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At037gpfiMM
The Making of: http://rme.ricolandia.com/2015/04/19/campanha-da-proibicao-nasce-o-trafico/
LibreOffice oficial video 2D animation:
Here is the youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f34WRUCfE1[SUP]o[/SUP]
The making of, and source files: http://rme.ricolandia.com/2014/07/29/animacao-libreoffice/
10 Seconds Bob animations:
2D animations, making of: http://rme.ricolandia.com/2014/06/01/sms-animado/
I hope you like it!