2d background image for game

Here are some images of a 2d game I was working on. The background is done with Blender and Photoshop. It does not use Blender game engine.






Nicely done remids me of RadeonX (thats a good thing a VERY good thing) just make sure you add at least 1 massive end boss :wink:

can’t wait till your game is released

The cloud idea is something great and innovative, yet, i am not good in modeling and i couldnt model things as good as you, but i suggest you make things more rounded, more smooth, also put some more colors and details :slight_smile:

I’m thinking it could use some more surface grit or else some more interesting lighting so it’s less “flat”, but it does look pretty spiffy. Keep us posted on when a playable version comes out!

Thanks for the comments. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish this one though. After all the work I put into the graphics, I got tired of working on it. Anyway, the two large tanks are the end bosses so I’ve got that done. As for making things more smooth–I never thought of that. I’ll do a render with everything subsurfed and see how it looks. The image looks flat because it is one large render 4,000 pixels tall and because it’s one scene, it has to be rendered from directly above so that it’s a 2d background. I’m afraid this will never be a completed game. I basically wanted to see if I could make a scrolling background. Then I made a trainer screen where you could move and shoot at the tanks.
I started out with a simple program to scroll this large image. Then I moved over to Games Factory 2/Multimedia Fusion 2. Do a search for these programs and get a free demo. I know that Multimedia Fusion 2 has a time limit on it though.