2d Filters Updated, Custom Filter, now availabe for download

So, Zaghaghi, what are you and Ovidiu working on now for the GE, or is it a surprise?:wink:

Had a problem with a blend. When I start the filter, one of the UV texture fills the screen.
Load http://www.weedyworld.co.uk/blender/2dProb.zip
move about with the arrow keys and press m to engage the filter

The ā€˜Motion Blurā€™ filter has no pass number. So that one has to be activated by hand? Are you also going to implent 3D samplers? Because you need those for glass reflection stuff etc.? Or not? Iā€™d like to know some more about this stuff.


Same problem here with a certain .blend file. When I turn in a certain direction a texture fills the whole screen. Is this because the 2D Filter uses the texture slot?

- AniCator

thanks , but the uvw map didnā€™t show up in the patched blender , why ?

bumping the thread ā€¦ :slight_smile:

it changed in svn version, and there is no such menu, but go to EDIT mode and you find it in mesh panel

Hi, great work, the costum filter works really nice, but how can I use other Textures in my costum filter?
For example, if I want to use an black-white texture to affect bgl_RenderedTexture in my Shader.

Ok, extended Question: Is it possible to get, for example, the result of pass 2 to multiply with the rendered Texture in pass 3? (Needed to render the blured glow texture additively ontop of my normal scene ->Bloom)