I was wondering whether it’s possible to create a 2D game in BGE. I’ve already used SDL for this kind of projects but I’ve programmed relatively small games since I’m too lazy to write an own level editor and other things which are essential in development of bigger games. So I thought that I could use Blender as an “all in one” development tool since it has an own game engine, very nice 3d editor and supports python which is one of my favourite programming languages :). So the question is: Is it possible to create a 2d Game with BGE?
The blender camera has an option to use an orthographic projection, so if you point the camera along one of the axis whilst using an orthographic projection, you basically get 2D.
I did this in my game tectonic. It may be tricky to achieve per-pixel control in your game, but I’m sure with the right settings you should be able to do it. You can use a UV mapped plane or cube as a sprite. You can also change the UV coordinates to animate sprites, do some searching for a sprite system in blender. I’ve had trouble trying to change UV coordinates in 2.5, so I think you’ll be best sticking to 2.49.