2D to 3D coordinate Ratio?

How would you find the correct ratio to convert 2D Coordinate into 3D. This is considering the x and y correspond to each other while the z retains its position.

I’m not sure what you want to do exactly, but the only thing you have to do in order to translate 2d into 3d is to add depth, since depth is the main thing that distinguishes 3d from 2d. So, translate the 2d coordinates as they are, and then add depth manually.

Is there anything specific you had in mind?

Social transforming 2D Coordinates onto 3D is fine… Given that its a one for one ratio…

o 2D: (23,100)
o 3D: (23,100,0)

Whats Wrong with that? In 2D is there no negative and zooming (perspective) is never a factor. When I move an object on a 2D surface, 23 pixels, transforming that location to 3d, verse the viewpoint of 3d is not the same. That move might fly the object far to the right in 3D Persepctive.

Why can’t you just implement test ratios, and tweak them until you get the results you want?

Uh yeah tried that not working too well. I even made a Scene overlay to match each pixel for each vector unit, Positioned the camera at 1,000 units back, the x-axis works (scaled correctly) but the z-axis (y-axis in 2d) seems off and no matter what ratio I use it still off and I really need precision on this.