Today I finally took the time to throw, sheet by sheet, a large stack of my (almost) daily drawings on the scanner. There they are now, so I thought, why not, too, make one of these sketchbooks I keep stumbling across and enjoying to browse at BA, and feed them in here sheet by sheet, instead of leaving them to rot, digitally and paper-wise, sheet by sheet.
I do them almost exclusively for the fun of it, to keep my drawing skills alive, and because it feels good to accomplish something without endless, finicky fine tuning of technical stuff. Because a finished scribble feels just as good as some complex 3D stuff that took ages to finish. At least if it’s a scribble that doesn’t send you in a fit of rage because you messed it up …
Ballpen (or other permanent drawing tool) & A4 plain printing paper, no reference, no particular goal, except getting some quick, arbitrary drawings done.
So here we go.
We had lots of wasps this summer, the last few weeks I suppose it was a whole people waiting for us every morning, to have breakfast on our balcony. I liked them, I suppose we’re part of a pretty small minority, even serving them their own little plate of honey, strawberry jam or alike. One of them was different from all others, a calm and relaxed flyer, larger, long, dangling legs … she came every day …
… unlike the dragons. They were sporadic visitors, but usually very polite.
Edit: Changed thread title, to reflect a wider scope.