2D-Trees with better shadows / part2

Hi etn249,
Oh yeah, I missed that. Thx!

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The Impostors plugin should work with Cycles and Eevee as it uses parallax mapping. Great suggestion @joseph I didn’t know something like that existed. It’s super cool!

To bLenterman. You don’t have to reduce the geometry. Just reduce the size of the textures should be enough. If it’s not the Impostors plugin will definitely work. A potato computer would work with the Impostors plugin method.

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That surprises me because on their website they tell explicitly “This addon is compatible with EEVEE only”
and I hesitate to risk 50 $ in that case

It is weird that they say it doesn’t work with Cycles or game engines. After the bake is done you should be able to use the parallax map with Cycles or game engines. I sent them a message about it.

Ok. I’m working on both approaches, both 2d and 3d. Both have it’s advantages. Concerning 3D trees: Turned the resolution of the leaves and bark textures drastically down, as well as the vertices amount (until the leaves went to triangles). Looks ugly and the tree still has 200K vertices. Render time is ok, but their render shading looks kind of dull now. Don’t know yet what happens there. Will try Impostors as soon as they change their mind about Cycles.