2D VS 3D Work Space


in 2D we got bitmapped & vectors

In 3D space, what are the measurements? in Sketch Up, I can do things in cm, mm, etc.
What is the best environment to work in 3D space? Is the work we create scalable like vectors in 2D? or whaaaat?

An input will be appreciated



blender assumes 1 meter per blender unit.

everything in blender (and most 3d apps) is effectively limitless scalable (rounding errors aside).

just remember to ctrl-A to apply scale after scaling an object. often times this is preferred.

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Blender does have other scales. Such as inches.
You should discover it’s different between all 3d application editing software, and then different with all the 3d game engines.

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Thank you so muhc. I appreciate it.