3 Cheers (or Beers) for Dotblend!

Three beers for Dotblend!!!

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Why three cheers for Dotblend?

Well he has got 2 tutorials published in this months 3D world magazine!

First one is a four page tutorial on blender, making a 3D animated rollercoaster, the other is a 2 page tutorial on Yafray!

It’s in the May 2003 Issue of 3D world, Issue 38.

I imagine this should attract a lot more people to blender / Yafray!

On the cover cd is Blender 2.23 and Blender 2.26, Yafray 0.0.3, Yable 0.30-3, and BeOpenPython 2.0!

Good stuff!!


3 Cheers for Dotblend!


Nice going DotBlend.

I’ll definitely be picking up the May issue of 3DWorld. Though, we ususally don’t get it here on the west coast of the US, until about the middle of the month.

There was a little blurb about the status of Blender in the April issue, as well. So it’s nice to see Blender still getting some well deserved coverage.

In April’s issue, they also mention an upcoming article discussing about free/lower priced 3d software. Just wondering if they included Blender in the discussion, and what they had to say.

Once again, congratulations Dotblend [!] :smiley:

cool, I like blender getting a little coverage, although I doubt that I can read about it over hhere in the netherlands.
ps. I only count 2 beers :wink:

even in the netherlands you can get this magazine koudejongen (check the bruna, or gianotten) they surely have it!

thanks for all these cool reactions! :expressionless:

i’m busy now updating my website…
in a few days the entire thing will be refurbished!
so check it regulary!

Again, congradulations DB!!! :wink:

I gotta ask you tho… how did you accomplish this? Did you contact the magazine and send them the tutorials, and if so did you have any professional published writtings to credit towards yourself for them to pay attention? Bassically, i want to know how you got from conception point A to publication point B!!! :wink:

If you could let us know how you did this, maybe other Blenderheads can write, or send existing tutes to magazines from their part of the globe. And the more publication and educational knowledge we can spread out there, the more chance blender will continue to grow more and more popular with the people.

So, dotblend, enlighten us if you will please!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

YAY!! for Dotblend :smiley:

dotblend kicks ass! :smiley:

Very cool to see YafRay in the magazine! I’ll pick it up this afternoon if they have it! Congrats dotblend!


Anybody here seen “Animal Crackers,” with the Marx Brothers?

“Three cheers for Captain Spaulding! Three cheers for Captain Spaulding! Three che–” (Harpo comes in with three chairs)

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Geez, that ASCII art was rather hard. Anyway, I’m too young to get DotBlend a third beer. :stuck_out_tongue:

acually it’s rather strange… a lot of months ago i bugged the3dworld staff wit lots of blender and virtualight renders to get published in the magezine…

a few months back i finaly got a spot the gallery with the lego x wing image and a few weeks back the main editor contacted me to do a piece on blender and virtualight for the magazine…

me happy!!!

Sweet!!! :wink:

See how well your persistance paid off, i bet your glad now that you bugged them as you did!!! hehe :wink:
So, a lesson to all, to be sucessfull, just bug the powers that be until they give you what you want. Grab it and take it!!! :wink:
Awesome work DB, i wish i could get my hands on the mag (tho maybe if someone were to scan those pages and never tell anyone anything about nothing…) :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Congratulations! The more coverage for Blender, the better.


congrats! great exposure for dotblend and for blender.

i hope he wont be exposing himself! :stuck_out_tongue:

i hope he wont be exposing himself!

Oh! never mind, its 3dworld magazine. I thought he was talking about another mag… :wink: