3 Problems: 2x texture related and 1 about collision-detection

Hi all,

since a few weeks, I have some time again to use blender for my project. Now I’m unable to continue, because I don’t know how I can detect collisions between the ground and a ragdoll of a minotaur. I must note, that the Rag-Doll is a derivate of the Rigged Rag-Doll from Jackii.
The Rays on the bones don’t seems to work :(, now I need an explanation, how I can find out if the hooves of the colliders touch the ground.
The file can with the minotaur be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w7rtvz7qg7x44eu/Minotaurus_Mirius_Testing232(new_scaled_packed_translated).blend.zip

The other problems are, how to read in the subject, relates to textures:

  1. For reasons not apparent to me reasons, blender calculates in my testfile, every an alpha-channel into the textures, especially in * .png files. That did cause problems by the normalmap. Curiously, it do that even by*.jpg-files. I’ve deactivated the alpha-channal and the alpha-calculation in the texture settings.
  2. I wanted to use the global-mapping but some faces in particular faces which are vertical aren’t rendered, as I like to want it.
    In this 2 things I need an explanation, too.

The link to the testing-file is this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2b4d93t6ebb8fr/texture-problem%28packed%29.blend.zip
Best regards,
Arne Burkandt.

.png files don’t have alpha channels only transparency. If you dont want transparency you can just uncheck transparency in material settings to disable it. If you want to disable transparency in certain texture only just make sure to set the texture’s influence to 0 in alpha field in the bottom.

Thank you, but I have try it out, it has not resolved the problem. I think, I must note, that I’m using blender 2.71. Perhaps there is anything wrong, but I don’t know it. Otherwise I don’t know what I have evetualy do wrong. But have you thake a look into the file? - Perhaps it kan help to find the fail.

  • Arne.

About the collision detection issue for my ragdoll, the latest version includes simple collision detection using collision callbacks. You can use it easily on the version you’re using (it’s not hardcoded).

Thank you,
I found out that the colliders now suddendly support the collision-sensors. But now I’ve a new problem:
I’ve writen a script for controll the turning to left, so far so good, but now the action-actuators don’t want to work. I can not figure why.
Perhaps it’s the best I load up the file. But I recive an error if I wont to Upload th file :eek:.
Than I must do it with a link into my cloud-accound:https://www.dropbox.com/s/zldb9mfr02g3rkz/Minotaurus_Mirius_Testing288(new_scaled_packed_translated).blend.zip

I can only hope you explains it to me.

Best regards Arne.

EDIT: I have forgot to write that the related script has the name turnLeft, thank you in previous.

Hi all,

At first I don’t want the entertainer in this thread, but now it seems to have been.

I have tried to find out the source of last posted problem, after many experiments (most on the script), some things seems to work.
But other parts of the Script seems to have fails.

from bge import logic as bgalo
from mathutils import Vector

the standards

cont = bgalo.getCurrentController()
scene = bgalo.getCurrentScene()
objects = scene.objects
own = cont.owner

the sensors:

rightGround = cont.sensors[“rightGround”]
leftGround = cont.sensors[“leftGround”]
leftTurn = cont.sensors[“leftTurn”]

the actuators:

StompRight = cont.actuators[“StompRight”]
StompLeft = cont.actuators[“StompLeft”]

RotRight = cont.actuators[“RotRight”]

RotLeft = cont.actuators[“RotLeft”]

the code:

temporary construct:

if(not leftTurn.positive):
StompRight.priority = 2
StompLeft.priority = 1
RotLeft.priority = 3
own[“leftS”] = 1.0
own[“rightS”] = 1.0
own[“leftRot”] = 21.0
own[“leftTurnState”] = 0
if(rightGround.positive and leftGround.positive):# and own[“leftTurnState”] is 0):

print(“leftTurn triggered”)

    StompRight.priority = 3
    RotLeft.priority = 2
    StompLeft.priority = 1
    if(own["leftS"] < 11.0):# lift the left hoof



print(“should lift the left hoof”)

        own["leftS"] += 1.0
    elif(own["leftS"] >= 11.0):
        own["leftTurnState"] = 1
        print("ready to rotate")
if(not leftGround.positive and rightGround.positive):# and own["leftTurnState"] is 1):
    StompRight.priority = 3
    StompLeft.priority = 2
    RotLeft.priority = 1

print(“left leg should rotate to left”)

    if(own["leftRot"] < 41.0):# rotate the left leg
        print("left leg should rotate to left 1b")
        own["leftRot"] += 1.0

#if(leftTurn.positive and own[“leftS”] >= 11.0 and own[“leftRot”] >= 41.0):# and rightGround.positive and not leftGround.positive):

print(“ready to let the left hoof down”)

    elif(own["leftRot"] >= 41.0):
        own["leftTurnState"] = 2
if(not leftGround.positive and rightGround.positive and (own["leftS"] < 21.0 or own["leftRot"] >= 41.0) and own["leftTurnState"] is 2):
    StompRight.priority = 3
    RotLeft.priority = 2
    StompLeft.priority = 1

print(“left hoof should let down”)


    if(own["leftS"] < 21.0):# let the left hoof down



print(“let the left hoof down”)

        own["leftS"] += 1.0



#if(leftTurn.positive and own[“leftS”] >= 21.0 and own[“rightS”] >= 11.0):
if(own[“leftS”] >= 21.0):
own[“leftTurnState”] = 3
if(leftGround.positive and rightGround.positive and own[“leftS”] >= 21.0 and own[“leftTurnState”] is 3):

print(“should lift the right hoof”)


if(own[“rightS”] < 1.0 or own[“rightS”] >= 9.0):# lift the right hoof

own[“rightS”] = 1.0

    if(own["rightS"] &lt; 11.0):

print(“lift the right hoof”)

        own["rightS"] += 1.0

#if(leftTurn.positive and own[“rightS”] >= 11.0):

if(leftGround.positive and not rightGround.positive):

print(“left leg should rotate to right”)


if(own[“leftRot”] < 41.0):# rotate the left leg

own[“leftRot”] += 1.0


#if(not leftTurn.positive and own[“rightS”] >= 11.0):

if(leftGround.positive and not rightGround.positive):

print(“left leg should rotate to center”)


if(own[“leftRot”] < 21.0):# rotate the left leg to center-rotation

own[“leftRot”] += 1.0


#if(own[“rightS”] > 11.0):

if(leftGround.positive and not rightGround.positive):


if(own[“rightS”] < 21.0):# let the right hoof down


own[“rightS”] += 1.0

pass##stop commenting

#elif(own[“leftRot”] >= 41.0 and not leftTurn.positive):

print(“left leg over rotated!”)

if(rightGround.positive and leftGround.positive):

print(“both hooves on the Ground”)

if(own[“rightS”] < 11.0):# lift the right hoof

own[“rightS”] += 1.0

if(own[“leftRot”] < 21.0):# rotate the left leg to center-rotation

print(“left leg should rotate to center”)

own[“leftRot”] += 1.0

if(own[“rightS”] < 21.0):# let the right hoof down

own[“rightS”] += 1.0


print(“There is a fail!”)



Line 66 seems to be the most problematical line.
The file is this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vyt64ru4r83z2cd/Minotaurus_Mirius_Testing429(new_scaled_packed_translated).blend.zip
If you ask yourself what I want to reach with it:
I want to reach that the friction of the hoof let rotate the character.
In long form, it are these steps, splited in three Actions:

Lift the left hoof - 1st action till the frame 11 (that works)
rotate the left leg in the vertical axis to right - 2nd action from frame 21 till frame 41 (that don’t want to work)
let the left hoof down - 1st action frames 11 till 21 (that works again)
lift the right hoof - 3rd action frames 1 till 11 (there I have not seem that it works, I want to overwork this later)
the rest of the steps are commented out, because, I want the steps above running correctly bevore I go on with it.

Best Regards, Arne.

EDIT: Yesterday Evening approximately at 22:15 Central European Time, I’ve been gone mad and have rewriten the script. Now an other way to use actions directly per Script did work correctly.
Well the desired rotational motion of the whole ragdoll is not carried out. There I want so see whats happening with it.
But the texture-problems aren’t resolved, there I need that anyone explains it to me.