32-, 16-, and 10-Bit Video?

I’ve got a commission for a short animation, and I’m thinking of using Blender for the job. They’ll need 10-bit footage, but I’m wondering about the stuff coming out of Blender. It will be output from After Effects, but I’m wondering what is the best/“biggest” output that Blender produces for still images. Cineon? One of the “Raw” modes?

i am assuming you mean 10bit per channel, right? in that case, EXR short/half should suffice.

The ‘biggest/best’ file format is probably EXR full, which retains all the color infromation but produces large files.

Both are still image format, not video format, but I am sure you know what to do with them :smiley:

Wonderful! Thanks!
Space is not too much of a problem, it’s only ten seconds’ worth. I’ll post progress sgots as I go…