'32 hotrod

Hey guys,

started this last nite, and ive done some more work this morning.

i think the chassis is nearly complete, ill start on the body soon!

its not mechanically correct in some places, mostly the gearbox, engine…etc etc but if it looks the part.

C+C welcome

here are the links from flickr as the uploader wasnt working!


we’re making a hotrod for the movie? or is this not for the heist project?

hey guys im still working on this!

ive done some work to the chassis, engine, added an air intake (?) and some other stuff.

i need to model a gearbox, added welding joints, add some bolts, add a roll bar to the chassis that will support the body work and plenty of other little details :smiley:

C+C welcome

the style, i know its not realistic, im doing all the modeling from my mind, so i dont have any refs (apart from the ones i used for the chassis frame).


Those pipes should be uniformly cylindrical, I reckon. How strange that they should be air intakes as it seems to be connected to the radiators (which are too dense to be able to exchange heat). I guess it would make sense if I’m looking at pipes connecting a turbocharger to an intercooler but neither part looks like it and I thought this thing used a supercharger instead.

Are they all done from reference or is it purely from imagination?
edit: Sorry, I just noticed you mentioned in the previous post that it was from imagination.

Apart from that, I must commend on the excellent amount of detail!

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thanks for the crits. ill do some research into what should be in these type of cars, i thought that the two big things in front of the engine were the radiator and that the four small’ish objects were air intakes that fed an cooler system…i really dont know that much cars and stuff, i think i need to learn…i just found out the internals of a manual gearbox! lol so i might go OT and model the gearbox and interior.

its all pretty much from imagnination, and its even harder than i thought when you dont know what objects should be in there and also how the actuall objects work :o

ill just model the extra details and start on the body, ill start a whole new chassis and engine after this to get more familiar with car setups

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this is really good.

it is interesting how you are making all the details.

I don’t know much about cars either. well not in the inside I least, so I can’t really give you advice. But I don’t think you need any anyway :slight_smile:

that must be a pain to render. :slight_smile:

I like the light setup. could you tell me how you did it? Or maybe even post a .blend or the lights?


Very good work!!!..Waiting the next steps

Hey guys,

had an hour or two free :slight_smile:

ive changed it from the '32 hotrod to a dunebuggy type thing.

C+C welcome