
Ok I started again.Heres what I got so far.

Crits please.

Oh and I need more help on lighting.Thanks


what was wrong with the other one?? there is barely any diff from the other one except that you’ve started at a different location (i think)

anyways it looks good so far

Nothing different…yes I hope.I had to start again because I lost the other one:(
And I’m hoping there isnt much difference anyway…

although the overall model looks good :slight_smile:

there are some thing that need work…

if this would be my model i would definitely redo these things:


and i would start from the wheelarches, because they need lot of optimizing…:wink:
you got really nasty edge-loops there…
i think you dont need so many, because you dont have so many details there, so if you dont need them dont make them:)

here are some wires from my old work, its NOT perfect, but i think you should get the idea how the edge-loops should go:



Thanks I needed that!
The edges is because I had subsurf on and I was testing.I’ve got a file without subsurf or uneeded edge loops if you like…

Thats deep :smiley:

Edit my bad double post for no reason

Good start again erudicate!!!

ps: Your’re a busy guy…2 cars projects at the same time!!! :smiley:

Doh.I wrecked the front part of the car (ugly hood and front bumper REALLY UGLY)
So updates will be slow but I’m still working on it.Been too busy with …(starts saying life story)…

I’ve done the front bumper and the hood.I will post it but I need help with lighting.And by help I mean A - Z or as close as you can give it.I wont mind any help though.


Advice on lighting: the best advice on lighting (and I do hope you are listening) is to worry about the lighting only after you’ve finished with modeling.

Forget about it !
Don’t waste your time with it !
It’s not yet the time to light or render your model !
OpenGL renders are good enough at this stage !

Yes but how about clay renders.What colour for plane and stuff like that…
Ok I’ll listen to your advice. :slight_smile:


I keep getting this wierd render.:frowning:
I dont know if its my fault or a blender 2.43 RC2 error.Most likely my fault.How can I get rid of it?..Suggestions?

Oh and I removed the hood and bumper because I had too many vertices which could cause unwanted hard edges and make selection difficult.I will try to make it again with less.I’m thinking of using that material.What do you guys think?:slight_smile:


abit dark…but ok…not that badd…

Not to flame or anything but I did say that isnt the criticism I wanted.I do know its dark but I want to know about those little black squares and the material.Once again what I’ve rendered ISNT about the lighting its about the black sqaures

that might be coused by edge looping? why don’t u turn AO on and re render it so we can se them a bit more, dark on dark is kinda hard to see if u know what i mean lol

I fixed the problem thanks to vitaliy:D

Heres the render.The material and the HDRI looks to reflective.I’ll try and fix that in my next render.



I’m using a different HDRI with different settings.Better or worse?


And another - I will work on the model some other time


I think the second one is better!!!

yes the second one is better