360 Degree Panoramas

How do i set my camera to produce a 360 Panorama picture that has a 2:1 ratio,

and i mean up and down as well as left and right so it is like an unwrapped reflection from a mirrored ball,

                 Thanks for any help from Tony,   see ya.

:o :o :o
No answer yet. So I have a try.
As far as I understood you want to have a 360° panorama horizonatally and vertically.
Though there has to be a formula for the relation of the lens of the camera, viewing angle, and Xparts I can give an empirical answer only.
Because blender doesn’t allow a lens of 0 which would correspond to a viewing angle of 180° in my opinion and you can’t set Yparts you can’t get a complete vertical 360 ° view. Closest you get wit a lens of 1, Xparts 2, and SizeY double of SizeX. (You loose the 360 ° view horizonatly too, this way).

Hope that someone comes along with a formula and a better solution.

x parts 64

camera as small as possible e.g closest to zero as possible.

choose the hight of your image then slowely increase how many pixels x is until it just gets an overlap.

now go to an image editor and crop the image to be exactly 360 degrees.

and yes i have done it but i never got all the top e.g. straight up and down.

i used it for a quicktime VR object!!!


Yes i`m going to do something similar in the Blender Game Engine, well i already have but using Paul Debevecs Natural light Panoramas, now for some experimenting with my own 3D pics.

                      Thanks for your replys.