Can mp4s, etc… be mapped to the inside of a sphere like hdris so that there is movement in the environment? I watched the video below on 360 ° video and wonder if it can be done and has anyone done it?
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I just tried it. It works in Cycles, but I couldn’t get it to work in EEVEE. Just drag the movie in the shader editor and connect it to your shader.
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Glad to know they at least work in cycles. Did you import a 360 ° video or a standard one?
Here’s a breakdown on some 360 cameras:
I used a regular mp4 video. As long as the video is in that format or other compatible ones you can play it. I was assuming they had the same layout panoramic HDRs have. If they look like in the video, you’ll have to figure out a way to distort your UV to match this kind of projection.
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