The models can be output to postscript or several 3D formats including DXF and VRML. DXF import in 2.27 was problem-free and just needed a REM DOUBLES command to knit the faces together.
Be sure to check out the various links to the example collections on the homepage to get a taste of what you can do.
Thanks nice program. Fantastic site link. Still exploring this but very interesting. The knots are mostly based on math and knot theory which is fasinating. I’ve always been interested in knots Celtic knots and the combination of math and science with art (i.e. fractals, mandelbrots, L-systems ect). Thanks for sharing as you’ve added another cool program to play with. Nice to see that the knots can be saved in dxf and loaded in Blender. On a similar note I just put a new picture in the finished forum created with another knot program (knot3D by Steve Abbott) it’s called A knot.