Hey guys I made this 3d animation docu thingy, it’s titled:
“Climber Encased In Ice: The Horrific Failed Rescue of Toni Kurz”.
This is my first animation, and my first time using blender (I did use 3ds max in my teens so I have some modeling experience). I made this over the course of 4 months. I learnt it to make this, as I tend to learn stuff when I give myself big projects (and also go a little crazy in the process ). Please bare in mind I’m new and while I think it’s okay as a video you guys might notice all the bad animations and flaws in the model work and everything .
I know the SSAO is quite bad at points btw, tried to hide it as best as possible with scene objects, overscan and vignetting but not much else I can do.
But please don’t hold back on giving any feedback, I would love to improve and make better stuff in the future .
Congratulations on completing this, it was nice helping you in this process!
I like your sense of timing and storytelling.
The best thing to do might have been to come up with a different look that didn’t involve this much SSAO. But in any case, there is nothing shocking here, as the stylized look makes the viewer more open to overlook flawed graphics, and I think that’s a clever decision.