3d animation

I wanna get started and learn how to do 3d animation. I have 0 experience.
Does anyone have some recommendations about which tablet will be ideal for a first purchase?
Your insights will be really helpful, thank you!

animation Basics & Interface Animation and Rigging

If you are just getting started, don’t worry about purchasing anything.

If you have a computer, just use the computer you have.


Welcome :tada:…

most people who try a tablet ( the non-display ones) do not understand that they have to get used to it; possibly for some days to coordinate their movements (on the table) with their visual perception (in front on the display) and so sell it with the comment : I tried it for a day. ( ← yes i really saw this )

So you might get one very cheap and use it for some weeks before you may know what you really need (also according size).

Also: to learn any application to animate anything you have to practice it for some time before you may start to build any “nice looking content” to animate at all. So:

Do not try too much things at once. :wink: Just do it…

( even the tablets with display do have a tiny little delay and you have to get used to it… or pay a lot of money… )

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By ‘3d Animation’, are you focusing on only the animation aspect?

If so, in my experience, a drawing tablet doesn’t really give you anything more in terms of control nor feedback, and definitely not real estate (unless you buy those hyper expensive screens).

However, even if you mean ‘3D Animation’ as in everything 3d, unless you’re sculpting or hand painting textures, a mouse is (way) more precise than using pen input - especially with Blender’s paradigm of 'G to grab > move mouse > click to confirm".