I’m making a Beowulf game, based on a translation of the poem that I recently read in english class. It’s very early right now, but I’ll have an update soon. (Probably tomorrow) I’m trying to make it runnable on my school’s archaic computers which is why it looks like its from 2002. There are no shaders, shadows, normal or specular maps, ect. in the game. It is using GLSL shading but only because multitexture mode has not been very stable on my PC.
Basic Motion
Basic Materials
To Do:
Other characters
He has mentioned that the materials are just placeholders for now… i’m assuming he is going to implement more detailed tex maps along with spec/normals at a later date
Im thninking of making it a linear hack n slash that is more or less based on the poem. I can take some creative freedoms however, because unfortunately over time large sections of the poem were forgotten, and Beowulf likely originally had several adventures that never made it into the written version (The poem wasn’t written down until several hundred years after bards first began telling it).
I’m going to make some normal maps for the terrain, but I’m not going to make specular maps because I have shaders disabled. (The graphics cards on my schools computer hate GLSL shaders)
One thing that kinda bothers me (just my opinion maybe) – the character always has his back to you when you rotate the in game camera. I know it may be difficult to fix in BGE, but usually in 3rd person games you can rotate the camera around the character and see what he/she looks like from the front. I know it’s an early WIP, so ignore my petty observations.
the character always has his back to you when you rotate the in game camera. I know it may be difficult to fix in BGE, but usually in 3rd person games you can rotate the camera around the character and see what he/she looks like from the front. I know it’s an early WIP, so ignore my petty observations.
I think this is just a style. It works sometimes. I.E. KRUM
My plan is to make a system like Skyrim, where if you stand still you can freely rotate the camera around the player, but when you start moving, the camera glides back to it’s position behind the character’s back.
The hills background/skydome is a bit dark, also maybe using a 3rd person mouselook with obstacle avoidance could be cool, or just using backfacing on materials so you can see through them if the camera goes behind an object.
Apart from that it looks great!
Yay, update number 4!
I’m dubbing this the “Combat Update”, because it adds some (Basic) combat mechanics when there previously were none. If you’re wondering why Beowulf is so intent on killing Suzzane (The Blender monkey) it’s because I’m just using her as a placeholder model for my giant spiders.
Thanks for the feedback!
The hills in the background are dark because I ripped them from a public domain image where the ambient lighting was pretty dark. In my latest update, I changed the camera to a Witcher 3 style system where you have full control over it outside of combat and it moves around on its own when you are near an enemy.
those animations are so so so smooth! hs!. you should add a idle animation so when the character is not walking his foot dont stay in a middle walk stand of the walk anim.
Thanks for the feedback! I’d be lying if I took credit for all the animations, most of them are from a free moCap repository. I just tweak them and import them into blender.