3d Cars

Anyone Ever seen a Cadillac hurse in a racing game? If not i am modeling one for that specific purpose. On the onside, any tips on how to model the tires? I mean in know use of a cylinder but are there any other ideas or options anyone would suggest?

To use in a game, nothing more than a textured cylinder IMO. You shouldn’t model the groves of the tire, as that would add lots of vertices. Of course, that depends on the situation. Anyway, here’s a tutorial mate http://www.blenderguru.com/how-to-make-a-car-wheel/

Hello MrBojangles,

I think I have to agree with Starplayer, phsyically modeling the grooves of the tyre would add many vertices, which wouls slow down your computer game. By adding a texture and then using the Nor feature on Blender to give the texture bump effect you can achieve good 3D effect. I believe texture maps render faster than physically modeling in 3D

Starplayer link to modeling a tyre look pretty good

thanks guys i appreciate the input. i am working on tires now i am using cylinders as suggested; think i should skipped actually modeling the inside dash and stuff?

wish blender had a better object importer though; i need to figure out how to import my other two cars into the project…eh would make things so much easier

I asked the same question in a thread below this one (“How to copy objects between scenes, or files, for that matter”), and for different files, you can use Append > Object > (Select the correct file from the list from the button with the arrows on it) > (Select the correct object) > Load library. I hope it helps!

thanks for the help i really appreciate it; anyone know of any good tutorials on racing games with blender?

Take a cylinder and model it the rough shape of a tire. Make a duplicate and start going crazy by adding all the detail you want. Then take the high poly and do a normal map. Assign the normal map to the low poly duplicate. Same amount of polys but a lot more detail.

Using something like the stock textures might work but normal maps give you everything you want and nothing you don’t want. It’s a lot more work but it’s what you see is what you get.