3D Curser

Hey guys,

I need to know how to set the 3D curser back to absolute 0,0 without moving anything else, like the model or what ever mesh I’m editing. It seems that I’m all left clicks sometimes and well … as you all know it moves the curser. I’ve currently been zooming in, left click, left click and left click to get it close to 0,0 again which is a pain. I’m sure I’m not the only person who uses the 3d curser to edit a mesh and I’m willing to bet there is a hot key to make this a little less irritating. I’m using the latest version if that makes a difference.


What’s a 3d cursor?

move it close to center then shift-s cursor–>grid

quailman - thanks a bunch. It figures the answer would have been right under my nose this whole time.

Shift + C works better.

It would be the white and red circle marking a lot of thing (sometimes center of transformations, other times where a new object will be created)

Now, I am very curious as to what’s a 3D curser…
