3D Math Question...

Ok, since it all boils down to math, what math books would I need to check out/buy if I were going to go play around with the code for say, the hair/fur/cloth/water simulators?

the books you would need include a few collage professors, and about 4 years + food/rent


For general 3d programming you need algebra, vector math (ie dot and cross products etc.), matrix algebra and quaternions – this should be enough to do most opengl/3d programming. With the exception of quats you should have what you need by the time you finish high school (at least here in Canada).


a little analytical geometry would not hurt.

And, I’m sure a little calculus wouldn’t hurt.

hills graphics is a college book;i had it for an open gl based graphics

Modlling hair and things needs a bit of physics, so numerical soltions to ODE would be good to. This would also help with lighting models (aka shaders). In NZ high school math would be just good enough. But otherwise don’t be put off, you can learn it without going back to school. Just get a few intro books and do the examples. It takes time, but i think it would be time well spent.


ok well maybe I’ll leave it to the expert coders then :smiley:

This seems to be a good book: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/084937376X/sr=8-1/qid=1147705081/ref=sr_1_1/104-9154253-4443117?_encoding=UTF8