DISCLAIMER: This is an unpaid job. We don’t have a budget; anyone involved is doing it exclusively for fun and/or to gain experience.
If you’re a fan of RWBY, you’re probably gonna like this: UNEXAMPLED is a character-driven high fantasy action adventure drama. Our goal is to create an action-packed, fun, touching, but also very emotionally charged story. And if script, music, animation and voice actors are anything to go by, we’re well on our way to succeed.
While most of us aren’t professionals, we’ve been working hard to make this series the very best it can possibly be. We got a crew together - writers, voice actors, composers - but the one thing we’re short on is modelers. There’s so much we need before we can start animating, prominently stages.
They don’t have to be super detailed. The animation style is rather simple, and so are the stages and props. We hope you become as passionate about this project as we are!
Write to [email protected] or Gui#0461 on Discord if you’re interested. Please include your portfolio.