3D Printing a Cookie Cutter - Making Progress


I am making some progress since my last thread (not approved yet so I can’t continue there) I think.

Quick background: trying to trace a shape form image and model 3D cookie cutter to print on 3D printer. Blender experience is limited but trying to read as much as I can. Submitted earlier thread but think I forgot the attachment. Originally Inkscape was tracing around the edges of the line resulting in a path with a width in Blender rather than a single path.

In Inkscape I have traced it and deleted the inner path so its one solid object now. I import the SVG in Blender, resize, convert to mesh, Limited Dissolve to get a single face and then extrude. After which I can delete the top and bottom face and add Solidify. I’m using -6.5 to add it away from the center.

Two issues/questions:

  • The resulting mesh from intersecting faces and is a bit messy. I’ve tried reading up and experimenting with some of the Mesh > Clean up options but can’t get it. Ideally I only want the outside surfaces and vertices.
  • May be related to issue above. If I duplicate the mesh and add solidify of 1 (to create cutting surface in other direction) I’m then not able to combine the two by doing a Boolean union.

As always, thanks for any help or tips!