3d Printing Action Figures Created in Blender

I’ve been using Blender to sculpt then 3d print some action figures. I’ve been away for awhile due to health reasons and various other life happenings, but lately I’ve been enjoying the new sculpt tools and UI.
I like making action figures from old “B” sci fi movies like “Devil Girl From Mars”, “Robot Monster”, and “Planet of the Vampires”. I also have made the the .stl files available on Thingiverse so people can print their own copy.

You can see the rest here:
Art Station Gallery
Link to the stl files on Thingiverse


Cool :smile: i wish i knew 3D printing stuffs (wanna make nendroid models + 3Dprint+ sell them to weeabos XD).A bit out of topic I have browsed ur artstation gallery buzz aldrin was a Sabre pilot if im not mistaken. What a unique style

Thank you very much!