3D sculpting for a non-artist

Hello, I’m an architect who just got into blender through last year i’m interested in 3d art in general. I’ve got a question about learning to 3d sculpt creatures and characters with no skills in drawing , Do i need to be good at drawing and sketching to be good at sculpting or i can go by without it ? I’m interested in taking CG boost Master 3D Sculpting in Blender course

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Nope, though a drawing tablet will help you out tremendously.

yea i would defintley be getting a tablet

Not necesarily needed but you need to understand the structural forms of the things you are sculpting. If you can comprehend those forms without additional studies then you probably do not need additional art execution skills however those art skills are always going to be a plus for you.


if you mean by structural forms the anatomy of creatures then i dont mind studying it in theroy and apply it on 3d sculpting but i wont be able to draw it

Using a tablet takes some days to get used to because of the fact that your drawing is not where your pen is. Using a display-tablet might help but cost more and even has some lag… again you have to get used to it. Touch sensitivity also takes a way more days (weeks) to get used to. Artists do exercise to draw straight lines, follow curves or drawing circles … i mean dozend of them on one sheet. And not only at the beginning of there career… the do warm-up drawings to get the hand-eye-coordination every day. The fun part is: there are dozend of cheap second hand tablets on the internet because the users say : “Used it only two or three times”… (i got my mid sized brand ~140 EUR tablet for just 20 EUR and i love it… and don’t do enough with it.)