3D selected rotation view

i loaded the 242a and exe it

but i lost something somwhere :eek:

in my 3D view i cannot rotate with 4-6 keypad around selected object

how can i bring this back ans save it under Ctrl-U:confused:

Tanks & Salutations

At a guess you have the NumLock key turned off. It needs to be on to use the keypad to navigate.

No it does something else then i used to be

but i cAnnot find the way to bring it back a it was before o loaded up the 2.42a

at leat in one file !

The other file seems to be O.K


The rotation keys 4,6,8,7 rotate around the Global 0,0,0 cords not the selected object. Unless you isolate the object with the NumPad / key in which case you see the object rotates around its center.

Hope this helps. If not post a copy of the blend file and I will take a look at it.

Or Numpad-. {period} which centers the view to the object … and keeps all other objects visible as well.


In other files it seems that the rotation is center around the selected oject
or the center of the view

Can you set the “.” format as the default rotation mode for 4-6 keypad ?

is there a summary of the different 3D view mode rotation somewhere ?


I think you can press C and it centers on the 3D curser - and you can use CTRL+S to centre the curser on the selected object(s)

Look in the View Menu, “Align View”
