3D sound problem.

I have a rather frustrating problem trying to get 3D sound to work.
Or more accurately, distance rolloff/falloff.
Attached to a torch is an Empty cube.
This empty is responsible for creating flames, smoke and the sound of something burning.
The sound file is a mono .wav file (I read in the documentation that it wouldn’t work any other way).
No matter what combinations of settings I’ve tried under “3D”, the only thing that works is the sound’s L/R (panning), but no distance falloff!

The only other thread that I found having this problem was from way back when 3D sound was first introduced.
Exact same problem. It was considered and reported as a bug and that was the end of that thread.
Is this still a bug?

Last time I tried I think it worked just fine, but in the worst case scenario you can always modify the volume according to the distance from the camera. (using python).

It works with stereo for me.
BTW if someone plays my blend, please tell me if you here a pop after you hit esc and you’re right by the red cube. It might take a couple of plays but I here a pop, which is really bothersome.


3d_Sound_Test.blend (646 KB)

I think it was a bug.
I say “was”, because after deleting and redoing the sound actuator two more times (loading up the exact same sound file each time) its finally working.
Strange. I don’t often get to experience bugs in Blender…

Yeah, there is a popping noise when exiting.
In my experience this is usually when one single and short sound gets repeated rapidly, then suddenly stops.

So it also works in stereo for you? My sound was in stereo.
As for the popping noise, that’s actually a relief because I thought there might be something wrong with my computer speakers or my sound card. Still not sure why there would be a popping noise with fast repeating though…

I just tried it with an .ogg Vorbis stereo sound file.
Works fine now.