3D textures

If, for instance, I had a somewhat complicated mesh and wanted to texture it
with say, butterflies in a random orientation (wings erect, truly 3D), would I have to model the first butterfly and then place each one individually over the surface of the mesh, or is there is some other method that would be less time consuming? :confused:

emitting butterflies as particles?


Thank you for your suggestions, now I have even more reading to do!

Is it possible to randomly orient either my dupliverts or particles only in their
local z axis relative to the normals of the mesh I am applying them to ?
The effect I am after would be to have butterflies (or what ever) standing on the surface of the mesh I am using for a form, yet facing random directions.
Sort of a butterfly skin without a patterned look to it. This is not for an animation (yet?), just trying to achieve the effect.

Maybe the answer is staring me in the face, but I havenโ€™t found it yet.
