3D tutorials links

I spend a lot of time searching google, and in doing so I’ve come across a lot of great tutorials.

In hopes that these tutorials would be usefull to the community, I’ve made a list of all the best ones I’ve found.

The tutorials cover a wide range of subjects, from low poly modeling to photorealistic rendering.


thank you for this list wiseman303.

Through time I’ve also learned that not all tutorials you follow need to be written for blender, certain principles apply to every application

maybe you can ask a moderator to add the link in de General section of this site, as an add-on of the existing tutorial listings


thanks for the great links!

As a Blender newbie, who has been voraciously gobbling up tutorials like crazy the past couple of weeks, I noticed that I had already visited many of the sites at the top of your list, but that there were many other useful ones as well. Thanks for the great compilation. I’ve added a bookmark in my browser.
