3d view_glsl SSAO (idea)

the tittle says all but if u can make this It would be amzingly, it will inspire during ur current editing and looks good too =D hope some guys can make it, if not ,not a problem =D,just a idea,or real motion blur and so on :slight_smile: happy blending

this is a good idea
and some post effect, glow…
maybe hdr render?

thnx that u see through my point hope the thread stay alive .some fanboys of 3ds max implentented it so why not the blender community :rolleyes: we beat them^^

It looks like “yet another sarcastic post from Endi” in this thread :slight_smile:

GLSL advanced effects like SSAO etc. might be usefull, but the 3d-performance could kill it… I saw some GLSL shaders that using some tricks to make realtime AO in Blender( http://vimeo.com/2682513)

no, this is no sarcasm now

I like SSAO.

many views no comments :frowning: (maybe a bad idea but
this could be the result : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIZd9DVnGps )

I only see it as a good idea if there is a reason. BGE maybe, but renders are…well renders…that being said, I guess one could use it for preview rendering…I honestly only see a use for BGE though. Gimmicks are just Gimmicks until they add to the emotion or story…sorta like playing with one leggo.

agh! could this be possible? :wink:

At the end of the day, the more tools we have to get good renders, the better. Why not use GLSL tricks to improve what we can get from Blender?

Harkyman made a composite node to add SSGI to images. It should (based on the fact that Harkyman did it) be possible to link in these other cool GLSL Game Engine tricks to us mere mortal non-programmers through composite nodes as well.

Any chance of how likely this is from someone who could make it happen?

Sounds like a decent idea to me. SSAO could be toggled in the 3d viewport so the effect on responsetime wouldn’t be all the time. Also, other GLSL screen space shaders could be implemented.

It’s probably pie in the sky right now, but having advanced GLSL shaders in the viewport would give a much faster preview even if not real-time. It would give a much better impression of what a finished composition would look like instead of waiting for a render before the results of tweaks can be seen.

Blender preview render by the GPU? Kick ass. :slight_smile:

I would like to see shader support in the viewport (bloom, paralax, ssao) this will help when developing game models/ levels etc as you can see directly what the content will look like, for example if the ocean shader is applied to a mesh it would be extremley hardto animate a boat floating above the water as in the viewport the fragment (vertex shader?) doesn’t work, having the option to cycle through frames/ timeline and havethe shaders in the viewport would open up alot of possibilties.

Ofusion and max are capable of this, well when they work (which is rare), but still it really speeds up workflow.

Why screenspace?

a vertex map based occlusion could at least be view independant…

on the other hand… Lightwave can calculate motion blur and DOF in the gl-view ( as well as procedural textures…

…not realtime, but veryfast for a preview in GLcompared to a full render…

More than just an GLSL effect, an independent window with a full realtime opengl rendering would be nice. You have your editing space, as usual, but in another window you have your camera view updated in realtime with the materials, textures, and GLSL effects that you need enabled… Not exactly a final render but it will give a good idea of what you will get.

Well… not exactly realtime, but at least every few seconds it should update to get an instant preview…

Probably something to tackle after 2.5… But +1 for the SSAO anyway, seems a good stating point.



…like the render preview window at the moment only using open GL?

Isn’ t this a request to refactor the renderer for openGL in disguise? ( something that has been discusse many times here always with the conclusion that it won’t be faster).

I’d just like a fast preview…
The current one seemed incredibly sluggish to produce results at all and very unresponsive
Seeing how much better the previewing is for procedurals, materials and composite nodes in 2.5 maqybe it’ll just be better…

lightwaves Fprime plug in or modos preview window both progressively refine and are stupidly fast and auto refresh as you tweak settings… they don’t need openGL either… maybe thats possible/ the answer


Refactor the openGL engine in blender??.. this would be a waste… is pretty fast as is (unless you are on ATI cards)…


Maybe just being able to run shaders in the 3D view, like as a script link or something.

Screen space is independent of scene complexity so good for previews. Vertex-based is better for render-time as it’s view-independent so less chance of popping or flicker during animation but even then, screen-based occlusion will look nicer if it uses rendered maps as you can take account of displaced geometry and full particle renders/grass/hair. Being able to use different (custom) views for the occlusion would be needed though so that any effect takes account of off-screen objects. For real-time previews, a geometry-based method has the advantage of only needing to be calculated once and updated on geometry change but screen-space is always rendering.

They both have good and bad points. Just something would be good. Even projected shadows like you get in the BGE. If the final render data could be cached while working, that would be good too. If you spend 5 hours working on a scene, why wait another 30 minutes for a test render. Most of the intense render data required (lighting, shaders) could have been pre-computed/baked while working and updated meaning very short test renders.

Something like Pixar’s hardware accelerated relighting engine Lpics:


would be a major workflow improvement when it comes to composition.

Well it is a screen effect, and that also opens up venues to other full screen effects…and possibly stack them…stages.
Would certainly be handy in GE.

No, it’s not just usefull for GE.
Do you really think mudbox, 3DSMax, zBrush etc. implemented this and similar features just for fun?

SaphireS - Maybe. In Zbrush I usually switch to a very plain white material for sculpting. Mudbox - it’s cool looking to have a fully hdri lit model while you work on it, but I am unsure of the point if the performance takes a huge hit. Better material painting I guess.

However, Max 2010 from what I understand has a function to gamma/tone correct the viewport while you are working on it, which looks like it can be very handy.

So, I appreciate that some features along this line of thought could be really cool, others could be easily head down the gimmicky path. As long as there is an easy set of controls for which ones you want to have on or off. :slight_smile: