3Delight 1.0 Beta 2 is out!


a new version of 3Delight is out! It’s Version 1.0.6 (Beta 2) so grab it at http://www.3delight.com/renderman_download.htm.

The new features can be examined here: http://groups.google.com/groups?dq=&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&group=comp.graphics.rendering.renderman&selm=1c29027.0306291549.5c339505%40posting.google.com.

Cheers, Tobur.

anyone know where to find the export script, to export to 3Delight?

can’t find it in the python forum

green’s site seems to be down?



You don’t need Scripts, get the latest tuhopuu and you can render with F12 from Blender :wink: (Remember it’s a beta)

Caronte wrote:

You don’t need Scripts, get the latest tuhopuu and you can render with F12 from Blender (Remember it’s a beta)

ok downloaded Tuhopuu, can’t get it to run :frowning:

downloaded from Cessen, dynamic and static for linux

when I untar i get one large file extracted

when i try and start it as root from a shell i get an error,

library missing??

anyone managed to get this working with linux?

The file you downloaded is just an executable right?..Then just try putting it in your default blender dir and try running it from there.

I have managed it… It seems that it needs (at least in my case) libogg-1.0rc3 and libvorbis-1.0rc3…

I’ve install them and tuhopuu runs o.k.

Except from the fact that it can’t render in 3Delight… When I press F12 it crashes… Maybe I did something wrong when I installed 3Delight (most probably…), or maybe it is something else…

I’d like to suggest to you, to try the latest version of tuhopuu…

I’m alos getting crashes when trying to render with 3delight from tuhopuu using XP…
but pixie works sposmadically, not sure if in raytracing or scanline?
oh well yafray is working sweet.

Yeah, YafRay is the best external renderer for us right now. The others barely work well, if even at all for the rest of us.

no joy with tuhopuu…

it complains that it needs libvorbisfile.so.0 :-?

that file is older than what i have on my machine ( i think)

using mandrake 9.1

to install libvorbisfile.so.0 , i would have to remove a large portion of my current vorbis files

anyone know a way around this?



Did you try symlinking your new vorbis libs to the old filename?

True enough… but this is exactly the sort of feature that BF-Blender could desperately use!

How soon before we can expect to see this in the main source tree of BF-Blender? :slight_smile:


How do we setup 3delight to render with tuhopuu in windows xp?

I ran the new blenderman script with Blender 2.23 and it worked. Although when I reopened the file I could not get it to run again in Blender. Tuhopuu just crashes when I attempt to render with 3dight.

I added a UVSphere, a Plane, a Camera, and a Spot light.
Then I was select “3Delight(might work)” in F10 and in rendering settings was selected “window”
Pressed F12 and the new window with the 3Delight render is here.

P.D: My downloaded 3Delight version is outdated now, and I don’t checked with the new version.