3ds Export an empty with attached group

Hello everybody,

I have a problem and I hope someone can help me.
I have a scene in which are many empties.
I have attached a group to these empties (Empty Object -> Duplication -> Group).
This group is also only linked into the scence.

My problem is now that I need to export all these empties with these attached groups. When I select the empty and try to export as 3ds-file it does not work.

Maybe someone has an idea if this can be realized.

Thanks & Greetings

Dechgo, If you just added cubes to your group in place of the empties and then exported that you could quicksnap dummies to the correct locations in Max (are you using Max?), then delete the cubes. It’s a bit more work than you were counting on, but, from my experience, it will probably be much faster than searching the net for hours, ;D


Hi dlax,

thanks for the tip. But this will unfortunately not work for me.

But I found another way. When export the scene as an obj-file, the attached groups at the empties are exported as well.

To get it into a 3ds file, I have to reimport the obj-file to blender and then export this as 3ds file…
