I have a problem, when I export model to 3ds, models are without materials and uv mapping.
Anyone knows how to make 3ds export from blender with materials and uv maps ?
The script has been updated to CVS and the problems you mention have reportedly been repaired. You might want to try it.
Log: http://projects.blender.org/pipermail/bf-blender-cvs/2007-January/thread.html
thank you !
im sorry, but i dont know how to use this script, please help me, i dont know much aboout scripts…
When you import or export you are using the scripts.
You might find the fixed scripts in the 2.43 release candidate.
If that still doesn’t work it’s because the 3DS export has been updated after the Release Candidate was posted. If you’d prefer, you can download the scripts in a zip file from my site:
After you download, drop the unzipped scripts into blender’s script folder which will be something like C:\blender.blender\scripts
Copy the files there, run blender, export as usual. See how it goes.
thank you,
i have still problem with it
i have changed it, but it shows me error
What is your error? You tried the files from my zip?
For UV export the .obj file format works very well. If your application supports .obj you may want to try that.
“python script error, check console”
this blender do me, when i try to export to 3ds anything (with this file)
i know obj file works best (uv maps, quads …), but i need 3ds for some projects
ah, well. You’ll want to take that to the Python & Plugins forum here at blenderartists. Try to give them the complete error message including anything in the console (that black and white text box that’s always there when you run blender). If there aren’t any copyright limits and you don’t mind you could also include the blend file so that they could look at any other problems.
Maybe. You never really know if anyone will know what’s going on in the tech department. Worth a try at any rate. Wish I could help but my awareness of Python is absolute zero.