3dsmax rotational symmetry question

In this video https://youtu.be/_fm0v0KMKZw?t=181 there is used mirror with 45 degree angle.
It was applied on sphere without cap.

How to achieve this rotational symmetry in Blender ?

I don’t think you can, off hand. There are options checked in Max to slice along the mirror and weld the seams, which Blender does not have similar options. If anyone has any ideas, I would be glad to hear them.

Didn’t watch the whole video, but yeah, you should be able to setup in Blender something that is very similar.
You might need to plan it a bit more than what it looked like in that vid.

You’d use the Mirror and Array modifiers for that. For Array you can Object Offset, use an Empty (as the Object Offset target) and rotate it by desired 360/sections to get circular arrays.
Also don’t forget that with the mirror modifier you can mirror in more than one axis at once.