The title says it all. I can’t figure out the solution for the life of me. The textures themselves are not as pixellated as they appear in the render. Any suggestions?
For normal map images the Color Space option, of the Image Texture node, needs to be set from Color to Non-Color Data. Maybe this solves the problem.
also put normal output to normal inputs diff and glossy
and I think spec should be BW not color
make certain the faces cover the UV map as it should be
and no super scale UV map
happy cl
In addition to the comments here, the spec map should go into the Fac of the mix node for the giffuse and glossy shaders. But, that won’t fix the resolution issue.
Additionally, the data type on the normal map’s image texture depends upon where you got it. It could have been saved in the sRGB colorspace or in linear colorspace. But, this still shouldn’t affect the resolution.
Did you unwrap this mesh yourself? My first thought is that some of your faces are stretching the UV (are smaller on the UV map than they should be).
Jpegs use compression, and that looks like the artifacts generated from Jpeg compression.
I was under the impression that the displacement slot took B&W height map data, not normals. That could very easily be mistaken, however.
A screenshot of the various maps themselves would be helpful. It’s quite possible that the map is very high resolution, but contains data for a large object, so the particular area of the map seen in these renders is still small and pixelated.
It does take BW data if I recall and that might cause it as well come to think of it.
A blend or source images would be helpful here.
the normal map node output should be plugged into the shader nodes and not to the displacement socket!
The reason is that the output of a normal map is a vector, and the diplacement just understands float numbers. Also, for the displacement socket, it’s better to use textures with high range of values (Tiff, Hdri, Exr, etc)